This is for our children...their children...and their children. This is for our family...this is for us!
Originally, this blog was my wife's, but I stole it since she stopped using it. So, now it will be a place for both of us to write and journal our experiences during this journey of getting healthy. For the both of us its more than just losing weight. Yes, we both want to be thin, but more importantly we want to be around for eachother and our children for a long, long time. We want t show our children that it just isn't okay to treat what He gave us so poorly...
We have stopped making excuses and are ready to face the challenge...are you?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I Got 99 Problems and My Computer is 1!

Holy Shit, it's been a week since I have written here. That would mark the day our computer went completely to computer heaven. Things seem to be breaking around us- just as we approach Jessica's last day of work!
Anyhow, lets give a run down. Me: I have started to wind down my cardio- I am still running, but not focusing on distance. I am running about 3x a week for 40-50 total minutes each day (20-25 minutes pre strength training and post). 2x a week I am doing the stair climber and 1x a week I am doing the elipitical.
We went camping over the weekend so I wasn't able to hit the gym on Saturday to do my leg workout, so Saturday was a rest day for me. Sunday my buddy came over and we did another insanity workout- Cardio Power and Resistance. This actually felt easier than the Pure Cardio and Abs workout from last week. Monday we went fishing (didn't catch a damn thing!) and upon returning I talked him into do another workout- the Polymetric Cardio Circut. This was hard. Very, very hard. Being that I couldn't hit the gym on Saturday, Sunday or Monday I knew I had a lot of catching up to do today. I didn't have time to do everything I wanted so will probably be doing a bit tonight after the kids go to sleep.
This is what I did today:

Leg Workout:


  • Leg Press Leg Press

    Leg Press

    3 sets of 85 reps: 20 reps with feet at bottom of plate, 20 reps 1 inch up, 20 reps 1 inch up, 25 reps at top of plate
  • Barbell Squat Barbell Squat

    Barbell Squat

    3 sets of 20 reps

Resume normal sets:

Plus Tricep push downs- 3 triple drop sets of 15 and pushups focused on my triceps.

I did notice that it felt odd not going to the gym but I didn't crave it or freak out about it. You see, I have to be careful not to get too "OCD" about things (as my wife and mother would say).  I have crazy focus and can occassionally get so rapped up in doing something and flexability is tough.  But I'd say I did great this weekend and I did not feel guilty about not going to the gym. I was watchful of what was going in my mouth while camping- which was helpful. We planned a pretty healthy menu but everyone that we went with (15 other people) did not. There were chips and candy everywhere. Hot dogs, hambergers, alcohol...
I helped the twins make their first smores. Adey and Jocey LOVED smores and I also enjoyed 2 smores (300 calories total) and one night I did allow myself to have some beer. For every beer I drank I downed a glass of water. When we got home on Sunday I was 180.6; I was down to 179.8 or something before we left but I wasn't too concerned.
Speaking of weight...I am back down to 179.2 this morning. But I made a concous decision to start eating more and am nervious to see what that does. According the the diet plan from Kris Grethin I should be eating about 2500 calories a day. Mostly lean beef, chicken and fish with brown rice or sweet potatoes and broccoli. He eats about 7-8 meals a day with no carbs at night. I have been eating breakfast, protien shake, meal 2, fruit, meal 3, fruit and then whatever Jessica made for dinner. Jessica works so hard to make our meals healthy and for the whole family, it just doesn't seem right not to eat what they are eating. But I will probably start kicking out the carb part of our dinner if I can sub with additional protien. So now I will be eating about 2100-2200 calories a day (breakfast, protien shake, meal 1, meal 2, fruit, meal 3, dinner, and maybe a protien shake before bed. Part of my mind says hey, you can't lose weight if you are eating more; but with all of the training I am doing I wonder if I am giving my body enough nutrition to grow and repair. I also broke down and bought some suppliment type stuff today. Nothing big and not what usual bodybuilders take- just Fish oil, green tea extract, zinc and Vit C. I also got a better multi vitamin. I have no clue if it will make a difference but training or not I would take them because they do support overall good health. I am considering buying creatine but am still on the fence.
Update for Jessica- she is doing very well and should be seeing the 160s this week. Very focused this last week and killing it at the gym. Her last day of (paid) work is Thursday and she is extremely excited about it (as am I). We are hoping to create a new addition to the Family in the very near future....Pray we get a positive this time! If all goes well we should know in 2 and a half weeks. Fingers crossed!
I know there has been more. A lot more. We should be figuring out the computer soon. Until then I will have to beg and borrow computer time!

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