This is for our children...their children...and their children. This is for our family...this is for us!
Originally, this blog was my wife's, but I stole it since she stopped using it. So, now it will be a place for both of us to write and journal our experiences during this journey of getting healthy. For the both of us its more than just losing weight. Yes, we both want to be thin, but more importantly we want to be around for eachother and our children for a long, long time. We want t show our children that it just isn't okay to treat what He gave us so poorly...
We have stopped making excuses and are ready to face the challenge...are you?

Monday, July 2, 2012


I wanted to give a little update. We are still trying to figure things out with the computer. Wouldn't it be the case that as soon as Jessica quits things break...First the battery on the van, then the computer, then the alternator (which was like $160) to get the part...Oy. First world problems, I know.  Anyhow, now that the van is fixed (hopefully), we might be able to devote some resources to the computer.
Weight loss...Today is weigh in day for Slimpossible since we are headed off to a 3 day camping trip tomorrow. I doubt I will win since I have only lost a few lbs but Jessica is in the running- she has lost 7 lbs! I am down to 178.8 in the morning, about 180.2 in before bed. I have been eating like a horse and still losing a few ounces (generally) everyday. Workouts have been good and I have been pushing myself by adding more weight.  I haven't run all week. There I said it...I feel better now.  Just walking at a 12% incline with speed of 3.8.  Running just hasn't sounded fun because I have this gnarly cold.
I am a little nervous for being without the gym for 4 whole days. I will have a lot of catching up to do on Saturday and Sunday. But it might be a good rest for my body. I will probably try to go for some runs/jogs/something to get my HR up each day; but I don't have any weights so will have to get creative with pushups or something.

Jessica and DJ had strep throat late last week and I managed to avoid it (thank goodness); They, especially Jessica, was completely down for the count. Our little ones managed to just get colds- no fevers!  This is awesome considering all the issues with fevers and Adey.

Anyhow, when I get back to the computer I will be sure to give an update on who won the $45 bucks from tonight!

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