This is for our children...their children...and their children. This is for our family...this is for us!
Originally, this blog was my wife's, but I stole it since she stopped using it. So, now it will be a place for both of us to write and journal our experiences during this journey of getting healthy. For the both of us its more than just losing weight. Yes, we both want to be thin, but more importantly we want to be around for eachother and our children for a long, long time. We want t show our children that it just isn't okay to treat what He gave us so poorly...
We have stopped making excuses and are ready to face the challenge...are you?

Saturday, August 18, 2012

12 Week Training....CHECK!

Wow! It's been a long time since I have written. I suppose I was just feeling rather uninspired to share- since it's been pretty much the same around here.
Today, however, is a little special- It's the last day of my 12 week training program created by Kris Gethin. I started this journey around May 28.  I have a weigh in from 5/1 = 188- so I was probably about 190 lbs when I started. This morning I took my weight = 174! I know 16 lbs isn't as big of a number as I was hoping for but I have seen amazing changes in my body over the last 12 weeks. I have dropped so many pounds of fat and gained a lot of lean muscle.  I have done a fair amount of reflection because I started this program and I stuck to it- even though it was hard! I didn't follow it to a T but I followed it very closely and never missed a workout.  It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to stick to a program- and even though I had already been working out and eating healthy I feel like I really accomplished something by finishing. I guess what I am really trying to say is: I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF! Yep, there I said it! I don't usually tut my own horn, but this almost feels better than the day I graduated with my Masters degree. It's right up there anyway.

I took pictures but cant get them load properly. Will post some soon.

Whats next? Well, I told my wife that I would take a "about a week" off. She seems to think that means 7 FULL days. I am pretty sure I mean 5 days off. After this week off I will start back at week one for the 12 week program. In hopes that I can finally get those damn abs- and a little more ripped!


  1. Keep up the good work!
    Tagged you in my recent post. :)

    1. Well i will by tomorrow when I am finished with it :)

  2. Kristina,
    Thank you! I am SO been slacking on writing. One of my goals is to write more often this 12 week program.
