This is for our children...their children...and their children. This is for our family...this is for us!
Originally, this blog was my wife's, but I stole it since she stopped using it. So, now it will be a place for both of us to write and journal our experiences during this journey of getting healthy. For the both of us its more than just losing weight. Yes, we both want to be thin, but more importantly we want to be around for eachother and our children for a long, long time. We want t show our children that it just isn't okay to treat what He gave us so poorly...
We have stopped making excuses and are ready to face the challenge...are you?

Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday, Fun Day!

This morning started off like every other morning, and to be honest the day wasn't exciting at all. Woke up with Adey and Jocey, got all my gym stuff and breakfast stuff ready. (Had the usual oatmeal + blueberries and 4 egg whites+1 whole egg).  Jessica got up and then I headed off the gym before work. Today was shoulders, calves and abs. I was able to do 40 lb dumbell shoulder press (80 lbs total) and 20 lb lat raises. It was a burn and I could barely lift 15 lb for the cable raise.
I also did some Pallof Presses for my abs at the end. Completed 20 minutes stairstepper before and after.
However, I did some research about the exercise aferburn effect. Looks like doing interval training with HR at about 70% of max for 45 minutes produces up to 400 more calories burned after the workout. So, not only am I going to keep the sprints/walking, I will probably add a jog/sprint combo and intervals on the stairstepper. I realized I also haven't done any work on the bike- probably should through a little of that in too (with high intensity intervals also).
I finally totally calculated the meals I pre-make. Fish + brown rice = 287; Chicken + sweet potato = 251.  Breakfast is 270 and fruit is about 200 each day. Today I added oatmeal to my after workout protein shake to make sure I got the carbs needed. We will see how it goes with the scale this week. When I stepped on the scale it said 182 this morning! Ugg. Although I will admit- I made these cookie brownies with apple sauce (instead of butter) and sugar substitute. I don't know how many calories they were but I slathered peanut butter on the top. I ate two of those- about 10 pm last night. The scale this morning scared me; yesterday scared me because I was using the shitty news we had as an excuse to eat more than I needed to and things I shouldn't have. I had this panic daydream about the scale saying 185, then 195, then 300 lbs! I know, it would take me a while to gain 120 lbs but it would be pretty easy. The thought of gaining weight is terrifying. I decided to make a goal about not eating after 7pm.
Jessica and I went out to the hot tub after the kids went to bed and it was so nice! It also helped me not to eat and it helped with Jessica's cramps. Now we are sitting on the couch, Jessica is watching "Secret Life of an American Teenager" - this show is ridiculous. But I lover her so I'll sit through it.

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