This is for our children...their children...and their children. This is for our family...this is for us!
Originally, this blog was my wife's, but I stole it since she stopped using it. So, now it will be a place for both of us to write and journal our experiences during this journey of getting healthy. For the both of us its more than just losing weight. Yes, we both want to be thin, but more importantly we want to be around for eachother and our children for a long, long time. We want t show our children that it just isn't okay to treat what He gave us so poorly...
We have stopped making excuses and are ready to face the challenge...are you?

Saturday, November 17, 2012

It's a Leg Day

This week has been sort of crazy.  Our twins turned 3 last Saturday! We hosted a Princess Pancake Party with most of the food including some sort of pumpkin. Pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin banana bread, pumpkin cream get the point. Jessica worked her booty off to have all of the food prepped Friday night and then all we had to do was decorate and cook the food in the morning.  We are so lucky to have so much family and so many friends who live near by! We had about 40 adults and 9 children. One of my brothers even drove up from Salem with his family- his wife was overdue for their 3rd child! Jocey knew what was going on and Adey seemed to have a little understanding that she was at a party but she did not want ANYTHING to do with opening presents.  Jessica and I are very aware of Adey's disability and we try to give her the opportunity to do things even if we are pretty sure she will through a fit...Like holding still to open presents. She could really have cared less about them. She was far more interested in walking around and looking at everyone.  I think Jessica and I have a harder time than she does because we see exactly what Adey could be doing if she weren't behind because she is a twin. I know that she has her own learning curve and her own journey but sometimes it just breaks my heart that she struggles with very simple things.
I forget if I updated here but her assessment put her in the 12-15 month range for language, problem solving, cognition activities. She did score near her age with social/emotional! Lately, though, Jessica and I have noticed it seems she understands us more. Jessica was able to bribe her (yes, awesome parent award coming right here!) to eat some of her lunch by telling her to take a bite and then she could get her barney game (a card matching game she LOVES to look at- literally she will sit for an hour at the table playing with the cards).  She did it. We have also been doing stickers for going potty. She has 4 stickers in 2 days! She really likes placing the sticker on her sheet of paper. These are things I am pretty sure she wouldn't have done 3 or 4 weeks ago. [rant coming]...
As we get ready to try for another addition to our family, I find that some of our family is not exactly excited for us and it sort of pisses me off. They are concerned that Adey wont get the attention she needs, I mean they have literally told Jessica and I this. Soooo, what you are really trying to say is-we will become bad parents? Um, no- actually we will continue to parent her the same way we have and we will give her an opportunity to be a fantastic big sister; she will go to all of her appointments and go to school. She will still have, just as our other kids, what she needs. [end rant]...
Jessica finished the round of clomid and we anticipate trying late next week (the day after thanksgiving).  Jessica had a dream one night that we had triplet boys, then the next night's dream we didn't get pregnant. When I ask the magic 8 ball (when ever we go to target and are in the toy section I HAVE to consult the magic 8 ball), I get varied responses- most recently it concluded we would most certainly get pregnant and when asked about multiples it showed a yes.

Well, lets get back to the fitness.
Today is a DTP leg day (Dramatic Transformation Principle) of leg extensions and leg curls. My gym got a new stair master machine (actual rotating stairs) and if it is free I will use that for my cardio after. I have been employing HIIT and really feel like I am getting a solid work out. Usually I am running for 60-90 seconds and walking for 30-60 seconds for 25-40 minutes (with a 3-5% incline).
Food wise I have totally switched it up. Breakfast is 2 whole eggs, 2 slices turkey bacon cooked in a bit of olive oil. Mini meal is greek yogurt or cottage cheese and 16 almonds. Lunch is 5-6oz chicken and 1.5 cups of green beans. Then another mini meal of greek yogurt or cottage cheese and 16 almonds. Post workout is 1.5 scoops of 100% whey (which by the way tastes terrible compared to the myofusion!). Dinner is what every Jessica makes me. I should stop there and just have a shake, but I have been over doing it a bit at night. Having a bit of peanut butter and/or couple of eggs and turkey bacon. Need to stop that. I could probably lose more if I did stopped that. I dropped down to 172.6 and have been holding that all week (forgot to mention that half of our family got a stomach bug last Sunday-I was the adult half and was upchucking for about 8 hours then had a sour stomach for the next 24-so I didn't eat much). Basically my ideology changed- I decided I need to focus on low carb/moderate cals. So keeping my carbs below 150 each day and increased eating healthy fats just a bit. I am working my way down to doing 50g of carbs. I want to see how much body fat I can lose, but honestly I have to be willing to stick to it- as usual it is the evening that gets me and it is usually habit, not hunger.

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