This is for our children...their children...and their children. This is for our family...this is for us!
Originally, this blog was my wife's, but I stole it since she stopped using it. So, now it will be a place for both of us to write and journal our experiences during this journey of getting healthy. For the both of us its more than just losing weight. Yes, we both want to be thin, but more importantly we want to be around for eachother and our children for a long, long time. We want t show our children that it just isn't okay to treat what He gave us so poorly...
We have stopped making excuses and are ready to face the challenge...are you?

Friday, February 1, 2013


Oh boy, its been a LONG time. I thought I should update...
I took this pic last night to document my chest progress.

We had a great holiday and a great vacation in southern CA. We drove a total of 3500 miles in 10 days. It was an epic journey. I hit the gym about 4 times during our vacation but took a good amount time off.

Once we returned I got back into eating right and working out. My current weight is 173 lbs and my scale states my body fat is down to 24%. I have completely changed my eating this last week... I am eating a pseudo paleo diet- I'm still not quite able to get the fats all the way up there but I've cut gluten and dairy out of my diet entirely. I am eating about 2100 calories per day. Trying to keep my carbs down since I am eating more fats, but yesterday I really wanted some fruit so I busted out the Yonanas thing we borrowed from a friend and had two bananas and 3 strawberries. That sort of set me back on the carbs- but was well within my calories. I find since I am eating differently I am not craving sweets nearly as much.
Jessica is doing weight watchers and is enjoying it. We are hoping this month will be the lucky month for another addition- but we still have about 7 days to actually find out!  Waiting is sooo hard.

Anyhow, I plan on getting back to blogging more. So, more to come!

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